Penis Thickening Turkey

Penis Thickening Surgery

Penis thickening is a different penis aesthetic than penis enlargement. Penis thickening can be performed alone or in combination with penis enlargement. Many patients want a thicker penis in addition to penis enlargement. The reasons for this are simple: First of all, a thicker penis looks more aesthetically pleasing.

One of the main reasons why penis thickening is in demand is its contribution to sexual performance. Because the stimulation of the partner is more a result of penis thickness than penis length. Women’s erogenous zones are in the outer vagina (clitoris) and the area known as the G-spot. A thicker penis will create more intense stimulation in the partner.

How is Penis Thickening Operation Done?

Penis thickening operation is performed through fat injection. Fat injection is a plastic surgery technique that increases penis width. Penis enlargement surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The injected fat is usually taken from your abdomen through a small abdominal incision and then injected through one or more small incisions just below the head of the penis. Stitches can dissolve and incisions will heal with almost no scars.

How Much Thickness Is Gained With Penis Thickening?

Penis thickening surgery does not have a fully predictable outcome. The penis will be wrapped in a dressing that will serve to ensure that the fat is evenly distributed along the length of the penis. In case of any irregularities, the injected fat can be moved to the deficient area within the first few days. In some cases, an irregular contour may occur due to the reabsorption of some of the injected fat back into the body. Correction of the irregularity caused by fat reabsorption requires more fat injections later.

Recovery Process After Penis Thickening Surgery

Any pain after surgery is usually linked to the area where the fat injection was performed rather than the penis. The penis swells significantly in the first two weeks and erections during this time may be painful, but this usually disappears after the first week of surgery. You will also be asked to take antibiotics to prevent infection. It is very important to keep the area clean and take a shower twice a day starting from the 3rd day after the procedure.


Is Penis Thickening Surgery Risky?

Penis thickening surgery is performed by fat injection. Although the risks are minimal, you can learn about all the risks by consulting our doctors.


Things to Consider After Penis Thickening Surgery

  • You should follow your doctor’s advice to prevent the wound from becoming infected.
  • Your doctor may tell you that water should not touch the surgery area for a while. You will not need to shower during this period.
  • Itching is normal after penis enlargement surgery. After a while, this feeling will disappear.
  • Your doctor will inform you that you should not have sexual intercourse for a while after having penis enlargement surgery. It is recommended that you do not masturbate or have sexual intercourse during this period.

Penis Thickening Surgery Prices 2024

You can contact us to learn our penis enlargement surgery prices for 2022 and to get more information about penis enlargement surgery.

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