Gastric Band Surgery
Gastric banding is a surgery performed to lose weight. He/she places a band around the stomach to create a small pouch at the top of the stomach. After eating a small amount, the patient feels full, therefore the nutrients consumed directly decrease.
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Gastric banding is a surgical method used for the treatment of excess weight and morbid obesity. By placing a band at the junction of the esophagus and stomach, the patient aims to get rid of excess weight. Gastric banding is a practice that allows individuals suffering from obesity and obesity-related illnesses to regain their health, live a comfortable life and adapt to social life more easily.
What is Gastric Band? What is it for?
Gastric band, popularly called gastric band, is placed around the stomach approximately 20 millimeters below the point where the stomach and esophagus meet. The band is made of silicone and there is a balloon attached to the clamp just below it. Tape during the operation; It is left in the stomach in a deflated position and begins to be slowly inflated after the end of the surgery. The balloon fills the area with food and creates an early feeling of satiety in the patient. Since food transmission from the bubble to the stomach is quite slow, absorption also slows down and the patient’s desire to eat decreases. The purpose of the gastric band is; It reduces the patient’s food consumption by creating a feeling of fullness and initiates weight loss in the patient.
After the operation, weight loss begins immediately and 1/10 of the current weight is lost in the first month. In other months, the process may differ from person to person. It is important for the patient not to neglect doctor’s check-ups after the surgery and to follow the diet recommended by the doctor to avoid gaining weight again.
How to Insert a Gastric Clamp?
The method of attaching a clamp to the stomach started to be performed as an open surgical operation in the first years of practice, but thanks to the developed methods, laparoscopic surgery was put into practice. Before starting the surgery, the patient is given general anesthesia. Since the laparoscopic procedure will be performed, no large incision will be made on the patient’s body.
The patient is entered into the body through a camera imaging system through small incisions made at several points on the patient’s body. A silicone gastric band is placed a few centimeters beyond the point where the stomach and esophagus meet . This band is compressed in the stomach to control the passage of food.
The surgery time is approximately 60 minutes and the hospital stay is one day. Since the internal organs are not damaged, the patient returns to his daily life in a short time. Thanks to laparoscopic surgery, since the incisions are small, there are no surgical scars on the body.
Who Can Perform Gastric Clamp Surgery?
For gastric band surgery, it must first be checked whether the patient has a metabolic disorder. Surgery can be performed on individuals who do not have metabolic disorders. People who are suitable for gastric band surgery can be listed as follows:
- Individuals who are between the ages of 18-65 and have been obese for at least three years. (Parental approval is required for those under 18.)
- Those with a body mass index between 35-40. (In order for these patients to have gastric banding, they must also have different obesity-related diseases that cause problems in their body systems.)
- Those who do not have alcohol or drug addiction.
- Those without mental disabilities.
- Those who have not achieved results from diet or alternative treatment methods.
- Those who do not pose a danger regarding the risks of surgery.
- People whose obesity problem is determined to be due to excess weight, not hormonal imbalance.
Gastric Clamp Prices
One of the most curious topics for those who want to have gastric band surgery is, “What is the price of gastric band surgery ?” is the answer to the question. For gastric band price information, you can call Este Center or contact us using the WhatsApp free consultation line.
How Many Weight Should I Wear to Wear a Gastric Clamp?
One of the issues that people who are considering gastric band surgery are most curious about is the minimum weight they need to weigh for the operation. For surgery, the patient must be 40-50 kilos above his ideal weight. Those with a body mass index between 35-40 and those who have obesity-related diseases as well as obesity are also suitable individuals for the operation.
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