Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) Turkey

Are you considering buying “Oh so Trendy” eyelid tapes to fix your droopy eyelids? Before you get it, let me explain why you should not invest in them.


First and foremost is the temporary lift that can drop down any minute. Also, that temporary lift can sometimes be uneven when you are in a hurry. Let’s not forget the skin irritation and risk of lid damage you might face. Then what’s the solution? Blepharoplasty eyelid surgery is the most optimal and long-lasting solution to your problem.

Blepharoplasty Surgery Process

Blepharoplasty surgery is a surgical procedure to treat the upper eye or lower eye issues. This blepharoplasty surgery procedure is mainly done to improve the appearance of the eye. The following are some eyelid issues that blepharoplasty surgery addresses and treats:

  • Droopy eyelids: Due to aging, eyelids become droopy, and upper Blepharoplasty treats the saggy skin of the upper eyelid.
  • Puffy Eyelids: Puffy eyes can be because of so many reasons, including lack of sleep, genetics, stress, etc. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty treats puffy eyelids.
  • Under-eye bags: Genetics are the major reason behind under-eye bags, and lower lid blepharoplasty is the perfect and long-lasting solution.
  • Eyelid wrinkles: If aging has got you eyelid wrinkles, invest in eyelid surgery turkey to regain the youthfulness of your eyes.

Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery Cost Turkey

Blepharoplasty surgery cost depends on multiple factors especially the area of concern. Usually upper blepharoplasty cost ranges between $1000 and $3000. Lower blepharoplasty cost ranges between $1500 and $4000. And if you are getting both upper and lower eyelids, blepharoplasty cost may range from $4500 to $7000. It is recommended to consult an aesthetician to estimate Blepharoplasty price before the treatment.

Blepharoplasty Recovery Timeline

Consulting your aesthetician is the only way to determine your case’s estimated blepharoplasty recovery timeline. Blepharoplasty recovery depends on different factors, and one of them is the patient’s body’s natural healing power. But as far as a general estimation is concerned, blepharoplasty recovery should take at most six months if you have no health condition.

Blepharoplasty Healing Stages

Immediate post-op: some swelling, bruising, and discomfort are normal right after Blepharoplasty surgery. Your eyes are covered with gauze, and you are told to rest.

First week: In the first week, after 2-3 days of surgery, bruising and swelling reach their peak, and sometimes you might not be able to do regular activities. But some people can continue their work in the first week.

First month: One month later, the bruising and swelling subsides, and the skin returns to normal condition. But if you feel mild morning swelling, don’t worry, as it is normal.

First three months: All the swelling and bruising go away by the end of three months post-operation. You can see a significant improvement in your eyelids.

Blepharoplasty Non Surgical

Blepharoplasty non surgical procedures include filler, Botox, laser skin resurfacing, radiofrequency skin tightening and chemical peels. The best thing about Blepharoplasty non-surgical treatments is that they can give you more natural-looking results in very little time compared to Blepharoplasty surgery. However, the results of these non-surgical treatments are not as long-lasting and need frequent maintenance. 

Blepharoplasty Before And After

Patients have reported significant changes in their eyelid’s appearance after blepharoplasty surgery before and after pictures. The treatment has given them new, youthful-looking eyelids that they can flex.

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery is an advanced cosmetic procedure aimed at achieving youthful eyelids. Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery treats aging issues, damage due to injury or accident, or loose eyelids because of a medical condition. Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery is a common and reliable way to regain your eyelids’ tightness without investing money in temporary solutions to fix the problem. 



Frequently Asked Questions About Eyelid Aesthetics (Blepharoplasty)

Facial yoga, Botox, Fillers, Skin rejuvenation treatments, laser skin resurfacing, radiofrequency skin tightening, and chemical peels are the best ways to tighten eyelid skin without surgery.
During the operation, excess skin and fat that sags and becomes loose on the upper eyelids are removed; Muscles are tightened when necessary. It is possible to improve the results obtained by performing different aesthetic surgeries such as forehead lift and eyebrow lift during upper eyelid surgery.
Eyelid surgery should last for over 5 years, but different factors like aging and lifestyle habits can cause aging, limiting the treatment's life span.
Swelling and minor discomfort are normal, but the surgery is not painful.
Patients who got blepharoplasty turkey reported no side effects. But if you are not choosing a professionally trained aesthetician, the risk of facing side effects can increase.
Blepharoplasty last for years but is not considered permanent.
During almond eye surgery, the aim is to lift the eyes slightly upwards to make them appear larger and deepen the gaze. In this context, the outer corner of the eye (lateral canthus), which is the junction point of the lower and upper eyelids, is restructured to give the eyes a slanted appearance. Almond eye aesthetics can also be performed with non-surgical methods.
If not done by a professional, Blepharoplasty can cause dry eyes because the tear film gets disrupted.
In order for blepharoplasty to be performed, signs of aging must appear in the lower and/or upper eyelids and these symptoms must be at a level that cannot be eliminated by non-surgical procedures. Generally, signs of aging on the eyelids occur in people over the age of 35. Apart from the natural aging process, if medical reasons or deformations that prevent vision require surgery, eyelid aesthetics can be performed at any age.
In order for blepharoplasty to be performed, signs of aging must appear in the lower and/or upper eyelids and these symptoms must be at a level that cannot be eliminated by non-surgical procedures. Generally, signs of aging on the eyelids occur in people over the age of 35. Apart from the natural aging process, if medical reasons or deformations that prevent vision require surgery, eyelid aesthetics can be performed at any age.
Blepharoplasty; It can be performed by Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery specialists and/or Oculoplastic surgeons. Although the operation is performed under local or general anesthesia, care should be taken to ensure that the clinic or operating room where the procedure will be performed has the necessary equipment.
Eyelid aesthetics is generally applied to people who are 35 years of age and over, have advanced signs of aging in the upper and or lower eyelids, have realistic expectations about the operation, whose general health condition does not constitute an obstacle for the operation, are disturbed by the structural deformation of their eyelids, and have aesthetic concerns about their appearance.
Yes, eyelid aesthetics can be performed together with eyebrow aesthetics. It is known that better results are obtained when eyebrow lift surgery and upper eyelid surgery are performed together, especially in people who need upper eyelid aesthetics. However, as always, the important thing is to correctly determine the patient's needs.
Eyelid aesthetic results provide a 7-10 years younger appearance around the person's eyes. The results of the operation remain permanent for a long time. Permanence time may vary from person to person, depending on factors such as skin structure and lifestyle. However, as with all other facial rejuvenation surgeries, it is not possible to stop the aging process after blepharoplasty.

Therefore, patients should have realistic expectations before the operation. If sagging and wrinkle formation are observed in the eyelids again as time progresses, re-operation may be considered.
Eyelid aesthetic surgery is considered in cases where sagging and wrinkles in the area are severe. For people who do not have enough excess skin for blepharoplasty but whose eyelids begin to loosen, the Plexr plasma method stands out as the right alternative. The non-surgical eye aesthetic procedure with Plexr Plasma, which is completed quickly and wrinkles on the surface of the skin are evaporated using plasma energy, takes approximately 10 to 30 minutes.

Plexr plasma method is a non-surgical application and provides successful cosmetic results. It is possible to use Plexr plasma treatment for different purposes such as erasing crow's feet and scars, and removing fine wrinkles called cigarette marks on the lips.
Since eyelid aesthetics are performed under local or general anesthesia, patients do not feel any pain or suffering during the operation. A small amount of pain may occur when the anesthesia wears off. However, this pain can be controlled with painkillers.
There is no harm in washing the face without touching the eyes with water for the first two days after the operation. It is recommended to prevent contact with water as much as possible during the wound healing process. Patients can start bathing 5 days after the operation. It usually takes two weeks for full recovery. It is very important for patients not to smoke during this period in order to prevent infection and not delay the wound healing process.

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