What to Know Before You Pop a Pimple?

Sometimes we want nothing more than just to pop that pimple. Something about it is very tempting, but it’s not a great idea. Yes, popping pimples may seem like a quick fix, but you won’t solve the problem. It might cause further redness, scarring, or even more breakouts. You start with one pimple and end up having many. We know how much you want to squeeze that white head. Before you go on with it, here’s all you should know.


Why Do We Want to Pop Pimples?

When hair follicles get blocked with excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, the pore swells and forms a pus-filled pimple. Everyone thinks that popping pimples will make them go away, but it pushes the bacteria deeper into your skin and causes more problems. The urge is real, and draining down the pus seems like a solution, but it’s good to control yourself.


Should You Pop a Pimple?

Popping a large pimple or a small one, none of it is recommended, but if you still want to go ahead, there are safer ways to minimize potential damage. Always make sure that the pimple has come to a head (center of pus), maybe white or yellow, which shows it’s ready.

  • If there’s a visible white top, clean your hands properly and try to gently pop it.
  • If it’s like a cyst, don’t pop it at home, or it will leave a scar. Go to a professional.  

What Happens If You Pop a Pimple the Wrong Way?

  • Scarring: It damages the skin tissue and leaves a permanent scar.
  • Infection: Squeezing probably forces bacteria deeper into the skin, aggravating the condition.
  • More breakouts: Popping spreads the bacteria and oil inside and causes new pimples.
  • Delayed healing: Increased inflammation slows down the healing process.


The Best Way to Pop a Pimple

It would be wise to use caution if you must pop a pimple. Here are some steps that will help in popping pimples without causing further damage:


Wash Your Hands and Face: Don’t touch your skin without thoroughly washing your hands because the bacteria can transfer from hands to face. Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face as well.

Apply a Warm Compress: Put a warm and damp cloth on the pimple for 5-10 minutes to soften the skin and bring out the pus. This makes the pimple easier to pop.

Sterilize a Needle or Tweezers: If you see the pimple head, gently pole the tip with a sterilized needle or tweezers, and the pus will come out.

Gently Press Around the Pimple: Use clean tissue or cotton pads and gently press around the sides of the pimple so if there’s any gunk remaining, it will come out.

Apply an Antiseptic: After popping a pimple, clean the affected area with an antiseptic to avoid infection and expedite the healing process.

Leave It Alone: Now keep your fingers off it and let the skin heal on its own. Picking the healing skin will cause scarring.


When Should You Seek Professional Help?

If it’s a large and painful pimple or deep cysts, popping pimples professionally is the safest option. Dermatologists handle pimples with the right tools and techniques without damaging the skin.

Here’s when going to a dermatologist is the best thing to do:  

  • The pimple is very large or cystic.
  • If the pimple is painful to the touch.
  • The pimples don’t have a visible white tip.


What to Do Instead of Popping Pimples

If you can, avoid popping pimples altogether and do this instead:


Use Spot Treatments: These products have the right ingredients that can reduce the size of a pimple and speed up healing.

Try Pimple Patches: They absorb excess fluid from the pimple, protect the area from bacteria, and reduce the risk of scarring.

Exfoliate Regularly: It helps remove dead skin cells that can clog pores and cause pimples.

Keep Your Skin Clean: Maintaining a skincare routine to prevent forming pimples in the first place. Use only gentle products and remove makeup before sleeping.


Popping a large pimple feels like it will fix the situation, but it won’t. If not done correctly, there would be a forever scar and even more of those pimples, and that’s not what you would want, right? It’s always better to leave that bump alone and heal by itself or go to a professional. You can also try the other discussed ways to treat and avoid pimples rather than squeezing them. What feels better than popping a pimple? Not having it. To prevent breakouts in the future, keep your skin healthy.

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