What Should We Do to Maintain Nasal Health?

The nose is more than just an aesthetic organ; it impacts our overall well-being. Healthy nasal passages facilitate normal breathing, ensure comfortable sleep, and enhance the taste of food. Continue reading to learn how to keep your nasal passages in good health.

What Is the Function of the Nose?

Our nose is essential in terms of both facial aesthetics and the respiratory system. It has several important functions, such as:


  • Facilitating breathing by allowing air to access the lungs.
  • It plays a part in phonation (speaking).
  • It acts as a filter for dust particles and germs.
  • It warms and moisturizes the air before it enters the airways and lungs.
  • The nose is a sense organ and allows us to smell.


The fundamental parts of nasal anatomy include, 


  • Nostrils (openings of the nose) lead to the two nasal passages.
  • Cilia and nose hair (Trap dust and debris).
  • Mucous membranes (Lining of the nasal cavities).
  • Olfactory Cells (Nerve cells responsible for the sense of smell).
  • Nasal Septum (Combination of bone and cartilage between the two nasal passages).
  • Nasal Turbinates (Folds or projections of soft tissue and mucosa that moisten the air and facilitate nasal drainage).
  • Paranasal Sinuses (Air-filled cavities in the skull connecting to the nasal passages).

Why is Maintaining Nasal Health Important?

The nose performs several important functions, such as filtration, humidification, sense of smell, and facilitating breathing. Can you recall the last time you had a cold? The miserable feeling of blocked nasal passages, sinus headaches, and altered sense of smell serve as a reminder of how vital these functions are. Compromised nasal immunity leads to allergies, inflammations, and infections. We can improve our quality of life and promote a thriving lifestyle by maintaining optimum nasal health.

What Causes Inability to Breath Through the Nose?

Barring traumatic injury or structural issues, nasal congestion (blocked nose) is the most common reason for the inability to breathe through the nose in adults and children.

This occurs when something irritates the nasal mucosa, triggering inflammation, excessive mucus production, and swelling. As a result, the nasal passages narrow and make it difficult for air to pass. The irritant causes mucosal swelling and inflammation, which sets off an immune response. As a result, excessive mucus is produced to wash away the irritant. This extra mucous, along with nasal swelling, leads to a blocked nose.


There is no single trigger for nasal congestion. Many things can stimulate the immune response. The most common causes include allergies, environmental irritants (pollen, smoking), infections (common cold, sinusitis), etc.

How to Best Maintain Nasal Health?

There is no foolproof way to protect ourselves from infections like the common cold, flu, or allergens in the environment. There are effective ways to maintain and regulate nasal health. By doing so, you can ensure the optimum functioning of this vital sense organ.


Adequate hydration is the key to nasal health. It keeps the moisture levels of the mucous membrane up and prevents dryness of the nasal passages. Proper hydration also decreases the chances of developing a sinus infection. Drinking plenty of water, staying away from dehydrating beverages, eating foods with high water content, and using a humidifier are beneficial life choices for maximum nasal health.

Irrigation of the Nasal Passages

Irrigation of the nasal passages is an at-home wash to clear the nasal passages and sinuses of offending irritants and debris. A salt or sodium chloride solution is used with the help of an irrigation bottle (neti pot) to clear any dust, debris, or other particles from the area. Irrigation thins the consistency of the mucus, making it easier to drain and relieving any nasal blockage.

Maintaining Humidity Levels

Extreme levels of humidity (low or high) negatively impact the health of the sinuses and nasal passages. It is better to maintain the indoor humidity levels between 30% and 50%. The use of humidifiers or dehumidifiers is advisable in areas that are either too dry or too humid for proper nasal health.

Common Irritants

Some common irritants that adversely impact nasal health include smoke, pollution, strong odors, etc. It is prudent to avoid these irritants as much as possible to maintain the well-being of the nasal passages.

Seasonal Care

Both summer and winter months can be a trying time for nasal health. The cold winter air dries out the mucosa and sinuses, while the high pollen during the summer triggers allergies and inflammations. During these times, you should take the necessary precautions to keep your nose healthy. 


Nasal health is critical to overall bodily well-being. By incorporating the above-mentioned practices into your routine, you can breathe easier and avoid nasal congestion.

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