What is Scalp Fungus? How to Treat?

Scalp health is crucial to hair health. The state of our scalp determines the quality of our hair. Any issue affecting the scalp, whether it be any kind of itching, disease, or fungus, will directly cause the condition of our hair to deteriorate. Hence, it is crucial to get timely treatment for scalp fungus to ensure that they don’t cause scalp fungus hair thinning. If you are somebody who suffers from this, it is best to find out its root causes to reach a permanent solution. Today’s blog will highlight exactly what scalp fungus is and how it can be treated. 

Scalp Fungus: What Is It?

Scalp fungus infection, also referred to as tinea capitis, or “scalp ringworm”, is a fungus infection of the scalp, and has nothing to do with any type of worm. Furthermore, this scalp infection is contagious and commonly involves the topmost layer of skin. Microsporum and tricophyton species of the dermatophyte fungus are the main causes.  

The most common way to develop this infection is by coming into contact with others who have it. Once we come into contact with this fungus, it can transfer to our scalp pretty easily. Items belonging to the infected individuals, such as their clothing, and their comb, can transfer this infection to those who use them.

Scalp fungus can also be transmitted from animals to humans. Additionally, places regularly used by the public that are also high in moisture, such as shared showers, can cause fungi to grow and thrive. As a result, people who frequent these places can easily get this disease. 

What Are the Symptoms?

So how can we tell if we have this infection? Here are some of the scalp ringworm symptoms to watch out for:

  • Scalp ringworm doesn’t always involve the whole scalp. It can even affect only a certain area of the scalp. The part of the scalp that has this is bald as the hair has broken off, which results in tiny black dots. 
  • The scalp typically suffers from inflammation and feels very itchy. 
  • It may even look like an extreme case of dandruff due to the scalp’s flakiness.
  • In severe cases, there may be swelling in the lymph node in the neck.

If you think you have scalp fungus symptoms, it is essential to contact your healthcare provider right away to get your scalp checked out. 

Scalp Fungus and Hair Loss: Is There a Connection?

There is definitely a connection between scalp fungus and hair loss, as it can cause hair to fall out in patches on the head. This results in the formation of bald patches and makes the scalp look inflamed and irritated. It also causes a scaly texture on the scalp.

The scalp ringworm sometimes causes severe inflammation called kerion, which can result in blisters and pus, and can even cause scar tissue. This condition can be worrying as it may result in irreversible hair loss, also referred to as scarring alopecia.

There is always a chance that the hair regrows once the scalp fungus has been treated. Nonetheless, if scalp fungus treatment isn’t started immediately, the hair loss might get worse and even become permanent. 

Is There a Cure for Scalp Fungus?

The faster you seek treatment for scalp fungus, the easier you can get cured. Once you get checked by your health care provider, they will prescribe you medicine to be taken orally for a few weeks. 

Topical medicines are ineffective in this regard, as they can’t get deep into the shaft. 

However, they may prescribe you topical creams with antifungal properties to treat any inflammation.

Moreover, there are also some things you can do to help with your scalp fungus cure. Ensure your scalp is always clean, and make sure your comb, towel, brushes, and anything else that comes into contact with your scalp is out of the reach of others. 

You can use an antifungal shampoo that either has ketoconazole or selenium sulfide to combat the spreading of the fungus and to clean up the hair from the fungal spores.

How Can We Help?

If you are suffering from hair loss caused by this or any other condition, Estecenter has the solution for you. We offer a plethora of procedures to provide a solution for hair loss, no matter what it is caused by. 

From hair transplantation, hair laser, and hair mesotherapy, Estecenter is the ideal place to get your hair and scalp quality to the best shape it has ever been!

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