What are the Natural Skin Whitening Methods?

Everyone wants bright, glowing, spotless and even-toned skin and when they can achieve it through natural ingredients, nothing like it! People are getting more aware and increasingly ditching chemical-based treatments to natural methods. Natural skin whiteners are very effective and gentle on the skin. Here are all the details about natural natural skin whitening techniques that will give you the best results.


The Concept of Natural Skin Whitening

Let’s start by making it clear that skin whitening is not about a process of being fair but actually treating pigmentation and dark spots for an even skin tone. The focus is to make skin bright and healthy. Natural remedies for skin whitening are skin-friendly and often don’t have any side effects unlike those of harsh chemicals.

Before we discuss natural skin whitening techniques, let’s learn the pros and cons of these remedies.

The pros of natural skin whitening are about its being natural. Since it is natural, the ingredients are  usually available. In addition to that, they are safe to use and have fewer side effects.

However, there are some cons of this procedure as well. Since it is natural, you might not see the results immediately. To see the results, you should be consistent and regularly apply the products. In addition to that, you might experience itchiness or allergy if you have sensitive skin. 

Best Natural Skin Whitening Methods to Try at Home

Here we have some of the top natural remedies for skin whitening for at-home DIYs:


Lemon Juice

Being high in Vit-C, it’s a powerful natural skin whitener that helps in lightening pigmentation and fights skin damage. Its bleaching properties can reduce dark spots as well. What you need to do is just squeeze lemon juice and add the same amount of water. Take a cotton pad, dip it, put it on your skin and wait nearly 10 minutes. Use it 2-3 times every week.


Turmeric Paste

It’s a super ingredient for natural skin whitening that improves skin tone and gives that brilliant glow. To create a paste texture, you should add a small amount of it to milk or yogurt. Apply the paste to your face for 20 minutes and wash it with warm water. Using it twice a week gives great results.


Aloe Vera Gel

Very soothing and super hydrating, aloe vera boosts skin repair and regeneration. It’s an amazing ingredient lightening dark spots and reducing that annoying hyperpigmentation. You can always bring an aloe plant home, take a bit of it, slice it and directly apply it to your skin. In just 20 minutes it will give you nourishment.


Papaya Pulp

Very popular amongst teens and young women, this natural skin whitening at home is an easy DIY. Apply the pulp of mushy papaya on the skin for 20 minutes and it will do its magic. The papain enzyme will attack the dead skin cells that cause dullness and give you a stunning glow. You can also just massage your face with papaya peels for soft skin.


Honey and Yogurt Mask

Honey is antibacterial, yogurt contains lactic acid and together they gently exfoliate the skin and target pigmentation. This effective natural skin whitening treatment can be easily prepared by mixing equal parts of both ingredients.  You might apply this mask 3 times a week.

Milk and Almond Powder Scrub

When the vitamin E of almonds combines with the lactic acid of milk, they act on reducing pigmentation and improving skin texture. To make a paste, make almonds a fine powder and mix with milk. With light fingers, massage your face with it, stay for 15 minutes and rinse. Once a week is enough.


Rice Water

Asians swear by the results of rice water for skin brightening and firming. Rce water is rich in vitamins and minerals that work on pigmentation. Soak rice for about 300 mins, strain the water and use it while rinsing your face. This natural skin lightening method is centuries old.

Bonus Natural Skin Whitening Tips

While there are a lot of topical creams and treatments available, you must give natural methods a shot:


  1. Stay Hydrated: When you drink at least 2 litres of water, your skin gets better. Let the toxins flush out.
  2. Antioxidant-Rich Foods: Foods like berries, leafy greens and nuts add glow to your face.
  3. Sun Protection: UV rays damage skin very badly. Always apply SPF  even when it’s raining.
  4. Gentle Exfoliation: Natural ingredients like oats are gentle scrubs. They exfoliate the skin and make it glowing.
  5. Good Sleep: Our skin needs 7-8 hours of undisturbed night sleep for skin healing and new cell generation.


Natural skin whitening techniques won’t change your natural skin tone but will give you a good glow. Natural ingredients and good habits help you achieve a clearer and brighter complexion. Natural remedies are just perfect for those seeking a gentler approach to skincare and they are a very good solution to mild pigmentation and dull skin. Remember, natural methods can handle the basic needs but for severe issues, you must consult a dermatologist.

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