What Are Grafts in Hair Transplant?

Hair fall and thinning have become so common that every other person is looking for solutions. Recently, hair transplant surgery has become very popular. Earlier, only celebrities were known to opt for it, but now anyone who has been struggling and can afford it gets the transplant done as a permanent solution to hair loss. The term grafts is popularly associated with the procedure, but what is it? Why are hair grafts so talked about? Let’s find out.

Introduction to Hair Grafts

In hair transplantation, hair graft is what restores a fuller head of hair. It’s a small cluster of hair follicles that is surgically removed from the healthy part of the scalp and transplanted to the area where hair growth is desired. Usually, each graft has one to four hair follicles, but sometimes larger grafts are used for particular regions, depending on the need. This surgery works wonders at restoring natural hair growth. It’s a long-term solution for individuals who are worried about their receding hairline or want to increase volume.

Types of Hair Grafts Transplant

Below are the two main types of hair grafts used in hair transplantation. Which one to choose between the two depends on various factors. 

  1. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): It is commonly known as the strip method. It entails removing a skin strip from the donor region, which is often the scalp’s sides or back. After that, this strip is divided into separate follicular units, each containing one to four hairs, and placed in the area that is balding or thinning.
  2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): Unlike the strip method, the FUE technique directly extracts the follicular units from the donor area. It is done with a small punch tool. This is how the individual follicular units are transplanted into the affected site. Clearly, FUE is less invasive than the other method and doesn’t leave any scars either.

Hair Graft Recovery

Just like the operation cost, the hair graft recovery process after a hair graft transplant is also different for each patient. After being treated, prepare yourself to expect some swelling, redness, and minor discomfort. Be aware that the transplanted hair follicles will shed at first, but don’t worry, new hair growth will start to appear in a few months. In the coming 6–12 months, you can see visible results that will make you happy!

Here are some expert-recommended tips for recovery after hair grafting surgery:

  1. Follow Care Instructions: Always stick to the post-operation care instructions suggested by your surgeon if you want a quick and successful recovery. 
  2. Don’t Touch the Grafts: keep your hands off the transplanted area. Disturbing the grafts can disturb them and hamper the healing process.
  3. Sun Protection: Don’t let your scalp get exposed to direct sunlight, as it can hinder healing. Always cover your head when going outside.
  4. Correct Diet: A vitamin and minerals-rich diet promotes hair growth and helps in the recovery process.
  5. Patience: The results take time to show. Be patient, and set realistic expectations. 

Hair Grafts Cost

There is a lot of curiosity about the expenses involved in the transplantation process. The total hair graft cost in a hair transplant procedure varies from patient to patient. It includes multiple factors like the clinic you selected, the experience of your surgeon, the number of grafts required for the desired result, and the technique used. See a qualified surgeon, share your expectations with them, let them examine your case, and then you can have the correct estimate. 

Hair Graft Calculator 

Anyone would want to find out how long it is going to take before going with the procedure. Fortunately, some clinics have online hair graft calculator  that can give you an idea of the number of grafts required in your case and the potential cost to be paid. This hair graft estimator comes in handy in initial planning, but you should still reach out to your doctor for accuracy. 

Surgeons are experts in the field; they don’t estimate, they answer. Doctors consider many aspects, such as the extent of hair loss, the current density of hair, and the desired results. Any calculation is incapable of doing what a face-to-face consultation does. 

The hair transplant procedure is mostly about hair grafts. Knowing the number of grafts required lets surgeons redistribute hair follicles in such a way that you have a head full of hair in a few months. Get in touch with a reputed surgeon right away if hair transplantation is on your mind and get your queries answered.

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