How Weight Loss After Pregnancy Is Possible?

Bringing a new life into the world is nothing less than a miracle. It comes with happiness and celebrations, but also with some changes to a woman’s body that include weight gain. Mothers gain a lot of weight during their pregnancy, and many of them can’t wait to shed those extra pounds after delivery. Postpartum weight loss should always be approached with a comfortable pace, caution, and a focus on overall fitness, not just going slim. Let’s understand the best ways to proceed with weight loss after birth.

Understanding Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Pregnant women must gain weight in order to support the growing baby. Typically, a mom-to-be with a normal BMI gains between 25 and 35 pounds, which includes the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, and increased blood and fluid volume. 

This weight gain is very important for the development of the baby and to prepare the mother’s body for breastfeeding. Pregnant women need to consume a very nutritious diet, stay hydrated, and do safe exercise regularly for the baby’s and their own health. 

Factors Affecting Weight Loss After the Birth of a Newborn

To start with, nobody recommends drastic weight loss after pregnancy because it’s not healthy. The following variables affect how rapidly you can shed pounds following a pregnancy:

  • Pre-pregnancy weight: Women who get pregnant at a healthy weight are likely to return to their pre-pregnancy fast because their bodies don’t have to work a lot to reach where they began.
  • Age: Normally, a younger mother would have a higher metabolism rate, which makes it easier for them to lose weight than older mothers. But anyone can achieve their weight-loss goals with a balanced diet and regular exercise.
  • Diet and exercise: Talking of diet and exercise, having a diet rich in nutrients along with regular exercise is the healthiest way to achieve postpartum weight loss. Not just one sheds pounds but also becomes overall fit.
  • Genetics: Your genes can also affect how your body responds to postpartum weight loss. While genetics makes it easier for some to lose weight, others may find it challenging. By understanding your genetics, you can tailor a weight loss plan.


Timeline for Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Each body is different and reacts differently to weight gain and loss, but here is a general timeline for average weight loss after pregnancy:

  • Immediately After Birth: You can expect to lose up to 12 pounds right after giving birth now that the baby, placenta, and amniotic fluid are not inside you anymore.
  • First Couple of Weeks: Because the excess fluids will be getting out of your body, you’ll continue to lose some weight.
  • First Six Weeks: One must wait at least six weeks after delivery before going on a weight loss spree. Allow your body time to heal after giving birth.
  • Six Weeks to Six Months: Now you can start with the weight loss plan. Keep your diet healthy, include less fat and more proteins, and engage in regular physical activities, and you will see the change.

Tips for Healthy and Quick Weight Loss After Pregnancy 

We have some very useful tips that can help you in your journey to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight:

  • Balanced diet: Focus on fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains to get the essential nutrients and fiber. This feeling keeps you feeling full, and you won’t crave random foods.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking lots of water also makes you feel full, so you don’t eat a lot. Prevent yourself from skipping water if you are nursing, since it might impact the supply of milk.
  • Breastfeeding: The good news about breastfeeding is that it helps you lose weight by burning extra calories, so continue for as long as you can. It’s also great for the baby.
  • Start exercising: We said it before, and we say it again: exercise is important. Begin with walking and increase the intensity over time. It elevates your mood and aids in weight loss.
  • Get enough rest: Adequate sleep of 7-9 hours every night supports weight loss efforts. Being sleep-deprived leads to hormonal imbalances and impacts your appetite and metabolism. 


While you can start with your efforts to achieve quick weight loss after pregnancy, don’t forget to prioritize your health and fitness levels. If you find it difficult to achieve your goals, you can reach out to a dietician or a fitness expert for guided assistance. Their personalized advice and support will help you shed pounds safely.

Weight loss after birth newborn is a gradual process and it should be. With patience, dedication and adopting healthy habits, you can achieve your target. Just be kind to yourself and celebrate your miraculous body.

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