How to Get Hair Growth Faster?

Your hair says a lot about you since it is one of the most noticeable things about a person. Healthy and thick hair can take your appearance to the next level, while thin and brittle hair can leave you feeling low and unconfident. 

To add to this, lackluster hair can even point to a nutritional deficiency. If you are someone who is trying to grow out their hair and is in search of the hair growth best tips, read this blog till the end:

Here Are Ways to Get Your Hair Growing Quickly

The first thing you should know before embarking on your hair growth journey is that your hair only grows about 6 inches in a year. And, some amount of hair shedding is completely normal to have. In fact, we easily lose about 50 to 100 strands every day. 

Furthermore, the growth speed of hair varies from person to person. These are some hair growth tips natural hair special:

Scissors Are Your Best Friend

Don’t skip out on your hair-trimming sessions. It may sound ridiculous to know, but trimming is great to keep your hair in top shape. Trimming out the dead ends of the hair can freshen them up by taking away the frizzy split ends. This also helps hair growing quickly as well. 

If not trimmed, these split ends will take up more of the hair shaft and increase breakage, leaving the hair short and looking lifeless. 

Be Gentle With Wet Hair

Give extra care to your hair when it is wet, as wet hair is at its weakest. Tugging on it with a towel while drying or putting tension on it by brushing it when it is soaking wet can cause high breakage. 

Moreover, you should dry your hair with a blotting motion and brush your hair gently so you don’t lose hair in the process. 

Give Yourself a Scalp Massage

Another way to get hair growth quickly is by massaging your scalp from time to time to help you relax and promote better circulation in the scalp. The market is full of scalp massagers you can get to help you with your scalp massages. 

Get More Protein in Your System 

Protein is the building block of our hair. This is why you can get quicker hair growth by taking in more protein, as it can strengthen your hair. 

A diet that lacks protein won’t do anything to make your hair grow long. In fact, it may even contribute to hair shedding. You can incorporate foods such as meat, dairy, eggs, chicken, etc. to promote excellent hair health. 

Ensure You Get All the Important Nutrients

One of the most effective hair growth tips men and women especially is to make sure you are not deficient in any of the essential nutrients. Consuming foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and iron can help improve hair growth. 

Stay Away From Harsh Chemicals 

If you want to make sure that your hair grows quickly, you need to cut down on using hot styling tools and products with harmful chemicals. Using bleaches, and chemical dyes can dry out your hair and lead to breakage. 

Don’t Stress

Stressing too much is never good for hair growth, as it results in your hair staying at the resting stage and not experiencing any growth. This can even result in hair shedding. 

Hence, taking measures to destress can help drastically improve the state of your hair. Certain steps you can take to prevent stress in your life include meditation and exercise.

Once you have found a way to get rid of stress, your hair will begin to regrow in better condition. 

Explore What Estecenter Offers in Hair Aesthetics

If you are someone who is facing any kind of hair loss and want to regain your charm by tackling this hair loss, we have just what you need. 

Estecenter offers the following procedures to help with different types of hair loss:

Hair Laser

This treatment involves multiple laser sessions to speed up blood circulation in the scalp and remedy hair loss. 

Hair Transplantation

Within this procedure, hair follicles are taken from some part of the head and then transplanted to the bald part. We offer DHI, FUT, and FUE hair transplant methods.

Hair Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy includes the injection of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, etc. right into one’s scalp to improve the scalp’s quality and assist in smooth hair growth. 

Book your consultation with us for free to get more details!

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