How Long Will It Take For The Breast Implants to Soften?

Breast implantation is a common surgical procedure available to many. Between 2023 and 2030, the procedure’s CAGR is expected to increase by 7.5%. Due to its popularity, many current and prospective candidates are curious about the procedure and its outlook on post-operative recovery. This blog explores the timeline of post-op implant acclimatization and softening, along with factors that influence this process.

What Are Breast Implants?

Breast implants are cosmetic prostheses that are surgically inserted to augment the shape, size, and symmetry of the breasts. The types of breast implants vary. The two most popular ones are silicone implants and saline implants. 

What Is The Initial Postoperative Consistency of Breast Implants?

Immediately after a breast implantation procedure, the implants generally appear to be higher on the chest than intended. The consistency also feels firm/hard to the touch. This happens due to a combination of factors, such as post-operative swelling, tightness of chest muscles and tissue, an active healing process, and the nature and type of the implant itself.


At first, saline implants might feel tighter than silicone. There is also a tendency for ‘rippling or wrinkling” near the edges. With time, barring any complications, these factors gradually resolve and the final shape and feel of the breast implants are revealed.

The Application of Breast Implant Softening Procedure

Most patients wonder how long until breast implants soften. Typically, the process of implant softening and settling on the chest may take approximately 6 weeks to multiple months. This duration may vary depending on the placement of the breast implant (whether it is placed under muscle or glandular tissue). The conventional timeline for breast implant softening is as follows:

Early Postoperative Period

The early postoperative period spans the first two weeks after surgery. During this time the implants appear higher in the chest, flat, and firm. There is tenderness and swelling as well. 

2 weeks – 6 weeks

After the initial 2-week period, the breast implants gradually begin to settle. The postsurgical swelling resolves to a large extent. 


Drop And Fluff

This is the process of implant softening and settling into its place on the chest wall. It begins gradually after the initial post-surgical swelling begins to subside. It happens in two stages:


  • Drop: This stage is when the implant descends down on the chest giving a more natural shape.


  • Fluff: When the implant softens and becomes rounder along the course of the healing process, it is referred as “fluff”.

3 months – 6 months

During the next 3 – 6 months the process of drop and fluff gradually progresses and the implants settle into their final position.

Factors That Impact Breast Implant Consistency

Many factors influence when the breast implants will soften. These include:

Implant Specific Factors

The type of the breast implant and its placement impact its final consistency. Saline and silicone implants are the most widespread implants used during the procedures.



Silicone implants have a gel-like consistency. They closely mimic the consistency of the natural breasts. Due to the density of silicone, it takes longer for these implants to drop and fluff. However, unlike silicone implants, saline ones settle and soften quickly.



Breast implant placement is either under the muscles on the chest or under the glandular tissue. Implants under muscle take longer to descend into their final position. Muscles also hold on to the implants tighter, hence delaying the softening process.

Patient-Specific Factors

Several patient-specific factors also influence the duration of the drop and fluff process, these include:


  • Tightness of the skin
  • Tension in the muscles
  • The fat content of the body
  • Overall weight

Post-surgical Care

Like any surgical procedure, the outcome of breast implantation depends on proper and consistent postsurgical care. Sleeping in the prescribed position, adhering to the proper activity levels, and localized massage facilitate implant softening and acclimatization. 

Presence of Complications

An uneventful recovery period leads to desirable outcomes. A higher rate of complications impacts the final results of the surgery.

What Are Precautions to Ensure Breast Implant Softening?

Some common and practical precautions to ensure proper breast implant softening are as follows:


  • Strictly follow care guidelines given by the surgical team
  • Avoid high-impact activities
  • Adhere to regular follow-ups
  • Have realistic expectations of the outcome
  • Take all the prescribed medications diligently
  • Follow proper guidelines for local massage

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is massage important for breast implant softening?

Massaging reduces the risk of scar formation and keeps the implants soft and pliable.


How long does it take to not be aware of breast implants?

Once the healing process is fully completed (8 weeks to 6 months), you will stop being aware of their presence.


Is the drop and fluff painful?

As the tissue is tender and swollen postoperatively, there may be some pain.

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