How Can Underarm Darkening Be Treated?

Nothing is more disheartening than underarm pigmentation, especially when summer rolls around. Dark underarms have many reasons, like irritation, friction, hormones, etc. By understanding the root cause, you can achieve a radiant and neat skin tone in this area and take full advantage of your colorful summer wardrobe.

What Is Underarm Darkening?

Underarm darkening means that the skin of the armpits is a few shades darker than the individual’s natural skin tone. There are many reasons for this hyperpigmentation, most of which are treatable and benign.


Acanthosis nigricans is another medical condition that can cause dark marks under the arms. It is a velvety discoloration usually in the skin folds like armpits, neck folds, groin area, etc. This condition is not dangerous on its own, but its presence points to underlying hormonal issues such as an underactive thyroid, insulin resistance, etc.

What Are The Causes Of Underarm Darkening?

Like any other skin condition, understanding the cause of underarm pigmentation leads to more effective treatment strategies. Underarm darkening is usually caused by several factors such as:

Manual Irritation

Manual irritation means that the skin of the armpits is reacting to excessive friction due to repeated microtrauma. This could be due to rough handling of the skin during shaving, waxing, wearing tight clothes, excessive sweating, etc., which causes the production of excessive melanin, leading to hyperpigmentation or darkness of the armpits.


Irritation can be due to certain chemicals, such as deodorants, antiperspirants, or the application of other harsh skincare products.

Lifestyle Choices

Certain lifestyle choices also play a role in the darkening of the skin under the armpits. Poor hygiene leads to a buildup of dead skin cells, causing localized discoloration. Smoking may also lead to hyperpigmentation, as the toxins in tobacco decrease oxygen use by the cells and deprive them of essential antioxidants and vitamins. Smoking causes skin dullness and increases the production of melanin cells.

Medical Conditions

Acanthosis nigricans is a skin condition that leads to dark underarms. According to research, anywhere from 7% to 70% of people suffer from some form of Acanthosis nigricans. The condition is genetic, and people with darker skin tones are more prone to developing it (although it can affect anyone). 


The causes of acanthosis nigricans include obesity (due to insulin resistance), diabetes (type 2), PCOS, Cushing syndrome, acromegaly, underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), certain medications (steroids), rare cancers, etc.

How To Avoid Underarm Darkening?

Prevention is always the better option for any skin condition. Incorporating the following preventive measures in your daily routine will keep your skin tone even.


  • Maintain good hygiene.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Avoid habits like smoking.
  • Use skincare products free of harsh chemicals.
  • Have a balanced and nutritious diet.
  • Avoid excessive manual irritation of the armpit skin.

How Is Underarm Darkening Treated?

Even if you have developed underarm darkening, there is still hope. There are many treatment options for underarm darkness removal at your service. These include:

Lifestyle Changes

Incorporate healthy habits such as proper hydration, a well-balanced diet, and weight maintenance. Avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

Home Remedies

Some home remedies are also very effective in keeping the skin tone even and hyperpigmentation at a minimum, such as using an aloe vera gel for moisturizing and rejuvenation, using baking soda as a natural scrub, etc. To avoid allergies or rashes, take precautions when using homemade remedies.


Over-the-counter creams, serums, ointments, cleansers, and soaps are available to treat more severe cases of underarm darkening. These over-the-counter treatments include niacinamide, salicylic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid, kojic acid, and vitamin C, which are effective against hyperpigmentation.


Always consult a dermatologist and do a patch test before starting any new medication, even if it is over-the-counter. 

Professional Cosmetic Treatments

For more resistant cases of underarm darkening, effective professional cosmetic treatment options are available, such as;


Lasers may be ablative or non-ablative. They work by removing the top layer of skin or promoting collagen production for cell renewal. For example: Q-switch laser treatment.


Chemical peels use a special chemical solution to remove the top layer of skin to even out the skin tone and trigger cell renewal. For example: Alpha or Beta Hydroxy Treatments.


It is a minimally invasive way to sand off the top layer of skin to decrease hyperpigmentation and to even out the skin tone.


If you suspect you have acanthosis nigricans, see a dermatologist for proper treatment and health assessment. Underarm darkening is a treatable skin issue that is easily manageable with the right approach.

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