Best Essential Vitamins for Hair Growth

Our hair is a huge part of our selfies and self-confidence. Anyone who looks at us can notice if we have a new hairstyle or if there has been any change in the hair volume. To have those compliments coming, proper hair care is non-negotiable. Whether you are blessed with good genes or not, you need specific vitamins to maintain or improve your hair health. But which vitamins should you use for hair growth?

Important Vitamins for Hair Growth

Our hair follicles can only work best if they get the nutrients they need. An adequate intake helps with blood circulation to the scalp, hair follicles become stronger and more keratin is produced. Not taking it seriously or being deficient can cause hair thinning, breakage and slower growth. Here are some vitamins that can support hair growth:

Vitamin A

It’s very essential for cell growth and hair health. Vit A produces sebum, a natural oil that moisturizes the scalp, a lack of which causes a dry and itchy scalp which disturbs hair growth. Some vegetables like carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A. 


Vitamin B Complex

B vitamins, especially biotin, are the holy grail for long and strong hair. If you get checked for hair thinning, you will surely notice vit-B deficiency in the results. It’s present in whole grains, almonds, meat, fish and leafy greens so don’t forget to add it to your diet.


Vitamin C

It’s an antioxidant that prevents aging of hair follicles and slow growth. Consuming vit-c means it leads to better absorption of iron which is great for hair strength. The most common collagen production ingredients are broccoli and strawberries. 


Vitamin D

Most of us are Vit-D deficient and it is always a contributor to hair loss. The deficiency hampers the emergence of healthy hair follicles. For good hair, go out in the sun and eat fatty fish, fortified dairy and mushrooms.


Vitamin E

Another necessary vitamin for hair growth is vit-E, an antioxidant that protects hair follicles from getting damaged. It helps with scalp circulation so that follicles can have enough oxygen. Nuts, seeds, spinach and avocados help restore hair health.


Other Necessary Nutrients

Consuming good vitamins for hair growth is essential but adding a few other nutrients just does wonders. For example, you can add iron to your life because it facilitates the oxygen carrying of red blood cells. If you are deficient, you can expect hair thinning.

Other nutrients are zinc and protein. They help to repair and grow hair tissue.

Incorporating Hair Vitamins into Your Routine

A balanced diet is the answer to all the hair prayers but you can’t get all the nutrients through food alone. If taking vitamins alone are not giving results, combine it with adding high-quality supplements. Some hair care products are very good. They are enriched with and boost and support a healthier scalp.

Vitamin Needs for Men and Women

Although the discussed vitamins are for all, some hair-related listed are different for men and women and need different approaches:

Vitamins for Hair Growth for Women: Vitamin D, iron and biotin are wonderful for women facing hair thinning experiencing hair thinning mostly due to hormonal changes. They help with hair health during pregnancy or menopause as well.

Vitamins for Hair Growth for Men: For men as well, vitamin D and biotin are very helpful, especially with genetic hair loss. Including them in regular life can promote thicker hair.

Good Vitamins for Hair Growth Naturally

Our hair needs regular care and maintenance and these practices are support overall hair health:

  • Stay Hydrated: Failing to hydrate can compromise with hair quality. With proper hydration, hair follicles get the necessary nutrients so they grow and shine.  
  • Balanced Diet: As discussed, a balanced diet will make sure you consume all the necessary vitamins for not just hair growth but overall health as well.
  • Reduce Stress: Stress is bad for hair, skin and health. Over-stressing can cause hair thinning or breakage. However, stress-reducing practices like meditation and yoga can help.

We learned that with proper care, patience and good nutrition, it’s possible to achieve healthy hair and better growth. Don’t skip on the necessary vitamins for hair growth but to boost the good food effect, supplements can help. You can always reach out to a trusted practitioner to help you with supplements and topical treatments.

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